
BCEN Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) Practice Test

Prepare for the BCEN Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) exam with this practice test. Randomly generated and customizable, this test allows you to choose the number of questions.

  • Questions: 15
  • Time: 15 minutes (60 seconds per question)
  • Included Objectives:
    • General Principles of Flight Transport Nursing Practice
    • Resuscitation Principles
    • Trauma
    • Medical Emergencies
    • Special Populations
Question 1 of 15

A 65-year-old male patient with septic shock is being prepared for air medical transport. His blood pressure is 70/40 mmHg, heart rate is 120 bpm, and he exhibits signs of poor perfusion. Which initial intervention is MOST appropriate to improve his oxygen delivery?

  • Administering intravenous fluids

  • Transfusing packed red blood cells

  • Administering oxygen via non-rebreather mask

  • Starting a continuous infusion of vasopressors

Question 2 of 15

You are part of a flight transport nursing team that has just experienced a crash landing in a remote area. Assuming there are no immediate threats from the environment, what is the first critical action you should take?

  • Set up emergency communication equipment

  • Administer first aid to patients

  • Look for nearby water sources

  • Secure the scene and account for all crew and patients

Question 3 of 15

A flight nurse is managing a patient in septic shock during transport. Initial fluid resuscitation has been performed, but the patient remains hypotensive. Which vasopressor should be administered as the first-line treatment to increase blood pressure?

  • Dopamine

  • Phenylephrine

  • Vasopressin

  • Norepinephrine

Question 4 of 15

A 35-year-old male arrives at the emergency department after a motor vehicle collision. He shows signs of respiratory distress and a large hematoma is noticed in his neck region. What is the most appropriate initial management step?

  • Immobilize the cervical spine

  • Obtain a CT scan of the neck

  • Monitor vital signs and observe the patient

  • Secure the airway

Question 5 of 15

A 35-year-old male patient was involved in a high-speed motor vehicle collision and was ejected from the vehicle. He presents to the emergency department with altered mental status, hypotension, and multiple visible injuries. What is the most likely type of injury pattern you would expect due to the described mechanism of injury?

  • Superficial abrasions and contusions

  • Distal extremity fracture

  • Musculoskeletal injuries with potential internal bleeding

  • Polytrauma involving multiple organ systems

Question 6 of 15

A flight nurse is called to transport an unconscious patient who has an advanced directive documented in their medical record, specifying that no life-saving measures are to be taken. During the flight, the patient goes into cardiopulmonary arrest. What is the most appropriate action for the flight nurse to take?

  • Follow the advanced directive and refrain from life-saving measures.

  • Verify the directive with the receiving facility prior to deciding on a course of action.

  • Begin resuscitation based on the patient's clinical condition.

  • Assess the situation after landing and consider seeking medical advice.

Question 7 of 15

A 45-year-old male patient on an interfacility transport is diagnosed with septic shock. The patient exhibits hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation and is currently on vasopressors. What is the next crucial step in managing this patient?

  • Monitor central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) and optimize tissue perfusion.

  • Administer another dose of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

  • Increase the dosage of vasopressors.

  • Initiate hemodialysis.

Question 8 of 15

A 28-year-old male is brought to your trauma center after a motor vehicle collision. He presents with chest pain, difficulty breathing, and signs of shock. On examination, you note muffled heart sounds, distended neck veins, and hypotension. What is the most likely diagnosis?

  • Tension pneumothorax

  • Aortic dissection

  • Cardiac tamponade

  • Myocardial contusion

Question 9 of 15

A flight nurse is called to transport a 7-year-old child who has sustained a significant head injury after falling from a tree. Which of the following interventions is the BEST initial action to prevent secondary brain injury during transport?

  • Place the child in a Trendelenburg position to enhance cerebral perfusion.

  • Administer intravenous fluids to prevent hypovolemia and maintain blood pressure.

  • Ensure the airway is patent and administer supplemental oxygen to maintain adequate oxygenation.

  • Request immediate administration of corticosteroids to reduce cerebral edema.

Question 10 of 15

You are a CFRN who just experienced a helicopter crash in a remote area. After ensuring the immediate safety of all crew members and patients, what should be your first priority to ensure survival?

  • Establish emergency communication to call for assistance.

  • Locate and gather all medical supplies.

  • Search for food and water sources.

  • Construct temporary shelter.

Question 11 of 15

A 28-year-old male is brought to the emergency department after a high-speed motor vehicle collision. He is conscious but confused, with a core body temperature of 35°C, a pH of 7.1, and active bleeding from a femur fracture. What should be the immediate priority in managing his condition to address the trauma triad?

  • Administer pain control medication

  • Closely monitor vital signs

  • Prevent further hypothermia

  • Administer IV fluids

Question 12 of 15

Which of the following strategies is most effective for managing stress among flight transport nurses?

  • Implementing regular debriefings

  • Relying on self-reporting for stress levels

  • Providing annual psychological assessments

  • Restricting work hours to strictly 8-hour shifts

Question 13 of 15

A critically ill patient requires immediate air transport to a specialized facility, but is unconscious and unable to provide consent. There is no family or legal representative available. Which action should be taken to comply with legal and ethical guidelines regarding patient consent?

  • Transport the patient but document that no consent was obtained.

  • Proceed with the transport under the principle of implied consent.

  • Wait until a family member or legal representative can be reached for consent.

  • Delay transport until the patient regains consciousness and can provide consent.

Question 14 of 15

A 45-year-old patient presents with severe abdominal pain, vomiting, a distended abdomen, and absent bowel sounds. What is the most likely diagnosis?

  • Intestinal obstruction

  • Diverticulitis

  • Gastroenteritis

  • Peptic ulcer

Question 15 of 15

You are transporting a 32-year-old pregnant trauma patient who is 26 weeks gestation. She was involved in a motor vehicle accident and presents with abdominal pain and signs of shock. What is the most appropriate initial action in managing this patient?

  • Administer medications for pain management

  • Place the patient in the left lateral tilt position

  • Monitor fetal heart tones

  • Administer IV fluids for volume resuscitation