Free AAMA Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Practice Question
When preparing a crash cart, which of the following is MOST essential to be included and readily accessible for immediate use during a cardiac emergency?
An automated external defibrillator (AED) is most essential to be included in a crash cart for immediate use during a cardiac emergency, as it is crucial for delivering an electrical shock to restore a normal heart rhythm in case of cardiac arrest. While non-latex gloves are important for maintaining universal precautions, their availability is second to the emergency needs of a cardiac arrest event. Moreover, a stethoscope, although valuable in assessing and monitoring patients, is not the primary emergency resuscitation equipment. Likewise, antiseptic wipes are necessary for maintaining cleanliness but are not as critical as the AED for emergency response to a cardiac event.
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What exactly is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)?
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Why are non-latex gloves still important during a cardiac emergency?
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What other equipment should be found in a crash cart aside from an AED?
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AAMA Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) /
Clinical Competency
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