Free AAMA Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Practice Question
What is a legal document that specifies a patient's wishes regarding medical treatments and interventions in the event they are unable to make decisions for themselves?
A Living Will is a legal document that outlines a patient’s preferences in regard to medical treatment, including life-sustaining measures, if they are incapacitated or unable to express their wishes. Understanding a Living Will is vital as it directly impacts how a healthcare provider should proceed with treatment. In contrast, a Health Care Proxy names someone to make decisions on the patient’s behalf, an Advance Directive is a general term for documents that include a Living Will and Health Care Proxy, and Informed Consent is a process of communication between a patient and health care provider regarding a proposed medical treatment or procedure.
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What is the difference between a Living Will and a Health Care Proxy?
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What is the purpose of an Advance Directive?
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Can a Living Will be changed or revoked?
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