Free AAMA Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Practice Question
The temperature log for a vaccine refrigerator should be checked and documented at least once each clinic day to ensure vaccines are stored at the correct temperature.
The correct answer is true. Monitoring and documenting the temperature of vaccine refrigerators at least once each day is essential in order to comply with CDC guidelines and to ensure the vaccines' efficacy. If the temperature deviates from the recommended range, it can compromise the vaccine's effectiveness, leading to possible vaccination failure and the need to revaccinate patients. Keeping a daily record also aids in detecting trends that could indicate a failing unit before a complete failure occurs.
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Why is it important to monitor vaccine refrigerator temperatures daily?
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What are the CDC guidelines for vaccine storage?
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What should you do if the temperature in the vaccine refrigerator goes outside the recommended range?
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AAMA Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) /
Clinical Competency
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