Free BCEN Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) Practice Question
What is the most appropriate target systolic blood pressure range for a patient experiencing an ischemic stroke who is eligible for thrombolytic therapy?
For patients experiencing an ischemic stroke and eligible for thrombolytic therapy, the target systolic blood pressure range is less than 185 mmHg to reduce the risk of hemorrhagic transformation. Management of blood pressure is crucial to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the therapy. Lowering blood pressure too aggressively can also be harmful, as it may reduce perfusion to the already ischemic brain tissue.
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Why is it important to have a target systolic blood pressure for stroke patients eligible for thrombolytic therapy?
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What is hemorrhagic transformation, and why is it a concern in ischemic strokes?
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How is blood pressure typically monitored and managed in patients receiving thrombolytic therapy for strokes?
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BCEN Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) /
Medical Emergencies
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