Free BCEN Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) Practice Question
During a high-altitude air medical transport, which physiological stressor is most likely to cause crew members to experience fatigue and decreased cognitive function?
Hypoxia is a major concern at high altitudes and can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, decreased cognitive function, and impaired judgment. This makes it especially critical for air medical crew to monitor their own physiological status as well as that of their patients. Dehydration and vibration are also possible stressors but are less directly linked to the described symptoms. Temperature fluctuations can cause discomfort and thermal regulation issues, but the primary cause of fatigue and decreased cognitive function is hypoxia.
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What exactly is hypoxia and how does it affect the body?
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How can air medical crew monitor for the effects of hypoxia during flights?
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What are other common physiological stressors in high-altitude air medical transports?
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BCEN Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) /
General Principles of Flight Transport Nursing Practice
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