The presence of ptosis (drooping eyelids) and dysphagus (difficulty swallowing) are indicative of neurotoxic envenomation, which is commonly seen with elapid (e.g., cobras, mambas, coral snakes) envenomations. These symptoms are related to the neurotoxins' ability to block neuromuscular transmission. Viper bites typically manifest with swelling, pain, and local tissue damage due to their cytotoxic venom, making the other options less likely in this scenario.
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What are Elapid snakes and where are they commonly found?
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What specific neurotoxins are involved in elapid envenomation?
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How do the symptoms of Viperid and Crotalid envenomations differ from Elapid envenomations?
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BCEN Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) /
Environment and Toxicology Emergencies, and Communicable Diseases
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