Free BCEN Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) Practice Question
A patient presenting with pulmonary edema due to a rapid ascent to high altitude will have an improvement in symptoms with immediate administration of a beta-agonist bronchodilator.
High altitude can lead to noncardiac pulmonary edema, known as High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE). The primary treatment for HAPE is descent to a lower altitude and supplemental oxygen. A beta-agonist bronchodilator is a treatment for conditions such as asthma or COPD, but it is not the primary intervention for HAPE.
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What is High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)?
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How do beta-agonist bronchodilators work?
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What are the primary treatments for HAPE?
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This question's topic:
BCEN Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) /
Respiratory Emergencies
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