PMP Waterfall Quiz 1

What is the first phase in the Waterfall model?
A) Design
B) Implementation
C) Testing
D) Requirements
Which phase in the Waterfall model involves creating the system architecture and design?
A) Implementation
B) Design
C) Testing
D) Maintenance
What is a primary characteristic of the Waterfall model?
A) Flexible and adaptive to change
B) Iterative development cycles
C) Sequential and linear approach
D) Focused on rapid delivery
In Waterfall, what happens if changes are required after the design phase?
A) Changes can be implemented easily at any time
B) The project must return to the requirements phase
C) Changes are documented and implemented in the testing phase
D) Changes are added to the maintenance phase
What is the main focus of the testing phase in Waterfall?
A) Identifying requirements
B) Designing system architecture
C) Verifying that the implementation meets requirements
D) Maintaining project deliverables
In Waterfall, when is the project plan typically created and finalized?
A) During the testing phase
B) At the beginning, in the requirements phase
C) After the design phase is complete
D) After implementation is done
What is the primary disadvantage of the Waterfall model?
A) It has no clear structure
B) It is difficult to make changes once a phase is complete
C) It lacks documentation requirements
D) It cannot be used for large projects
Which phase follows the design phase in the Waterfall model?
A) Requirements
B) Implementation
C) Maintenance
D) Testing
Why is Waterfall often considered less flexible than Agile?
A) Because it emphasizes high-level collaboration
B) Because it requires minimal documentation
C) Because it follows a linear process with limited opportunity for feedback
D) Because it lacks a project management methodology
What is typically produced at the end of the requirements phase in Waterfall?
A) System code
B) Project schedule
C) Requirements specification document
D) Maintenance plan

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